Welcome to Crystal Rose cel gallery! Here you will find the cel collections of Jen and Anya, plus some belonging to Cindy. We collect mainly Sailor Moon, Inuyasha and Slayers; these are the heart of the collections. We also have smaller collections of Utena, Escaflowne, Ranma 1/2, etc. Please do not reproduce our images without permission!

Jen's cels are labeled "Crystal Rose" in the Old English font.
Anya's cels are labeled in Times New Roman.
Cindy's cels are labeled in Kells Square.
Those cels labeled in Kells Round are jointly owned (there are only a few of these.)
This system is true for almost all of the cels, but some sketches haven't been labeled correctly yet.

Please enjoy your visit!!

***Sale page Updated 9/25***

News & Updates

8/1/2008The fire freaked us out - we need to catch up on our scanning! Thus - an update!
7/21/2008A terrible, terrible thing has happened. We moved most of Jen's cels to our new house and the house caught on fire. We are slowly removing all of the cels caught in the fire. Some are completely destroyed (MIA), some are mostly destroyed - we can maybe identify, most are very damaged, and a few are only singed or smoke damaged. Anyway, Jen has created a gallery dedicated to all of the cels and sketches that were in that house. Go check out inferno.rubberslug.com if you want a good cry or maybe just a sick stomach.
6/24/2006At last we are taking some time to update. We have both been so busy during the spring, and it looks like it will continue until Anya finishes her doctoral dissertation. If you are trying to email us, please be patient and if we don't answer after a week or so, try sending again.
9/30/2005I am slowly starting on the huge pile of Inuyasha sketches Jen has accumulated; watch for more over the coming weeks...

Gallery Contents
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Title Last Updated
Ah! My Goddess (1) 10/9/2004
Azumanga Daioh (2) 9/10/2005
Card Captor Sakura (7) 12/10/2004
Card Captor Sakura- Nakuru (13) 9/16/2005
DiGi Charat (3) 9/30/2005
Escaflowne (9) 8/5/2008
Escaflowne- Sketches (14) 12/4/2003
Fushigi Yuugi (2) 12/25/2002
Inuyasha (6) 10/18/2003
Inuyasha- Kagome (9) 7/11/2003
Inuyasha- Kikyou (8) 3/4/2005
Inuyasha- Miroku (10) 8/5/2008
Inuyasha- Movie (4) 5/4/2003
Inuyasha- Naraku & Co. (16) 9/2/2005
Inuyasha- Others (11) 11/21/2003
Inuyasha- Sango (12) 10/19/2003
Inuyasha- Sesshoumaru & Co. (14) 9/30/2005
Inuyasha- Shippou (3) 1/23/2004
Inuyasha-Sketches (26) 10/28/2005
Lost (8) 9/16/2005
Magic Knight Rayearth (7) 8/1/2008
Magic Knight Rayearth - Presea (13) 8/1/2008
Maison Ikkoku (8) 9/16/2005
Mama wa poyopoyo saurus ga osuki (3) 8/5/2008
Misc. (3) 2/13/2004
Ranma 1/2 (12) 8/1/2008
Ranma 1/2- Ukyou (24) 8/1/2008
Sailor Moon (11) 9/2/2005
Sailor Moon- Chibiusa (3) 8/5/2008
Sailor Moon- First Season (10) 8/1/2008
Sailor Moon- Hotaru (22) 8/8/2008
Sailor Moon- Inner Senshi (19) 2/13/2007
Sailor Moon- Others (3) 2/13/2007
Sailor Moon- Outer Senshi (30) 1/6/2006
Sailor Moon- R (4) 8/1/2008
Sailor Moon- S (25) 8/1/2008
Sailor Moon- S Daimons (24) 8/1/2008
Sailor Moon- S Witches 5 (22) 8/1/2008
Sailor Moon- Sailor Stars (10) 6/11/2004
Sailor Moon- Sailor Stars Animamates (26) 8/8/2008
Sailor Moon- Sailor Stars- Galaxia (6) 9/16/2005
Sailor Moon- Serenity (8) 9/10/2004
Sailor Moon- Starlights (4) 5/30/2003
Sailor Moon- Super S Movie (9) 10/31/2003
Sailor Moon- SuperS (8) 2/13/2007
Sailor Moon-Sketches (84) 2/13/2007
Slayers (10) 6/18/2004
Slayers- Cosplay (10) 8/1/2008
Slayers- Filia (9) 8/1/2008
Slayers- Genga (2) 2/15/2003
Slayers- Xellos (2) 12/10/2004
Slayers- Zelgadis (1) 12/21/2003
Tenchi Muyo / Pretty Sammy (5) 8/8/2008
Totoro (1) 8/5/2008
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE (1) 8/8/2008
Unknown (11) 5/31/2004
Urusei Yatsura (8) 8/1/2008
Utena (18) 2/13/2007
Utena- Mikage (5) 8/1/2008
Vampire Princess Miyu (2) 9/30/2005

Curator: crystalrose
Gallery Created: 11/19/2002
Hits: 84512
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